In his professional career, René Caissie has intervened with an adult population presenting transitory problems in a context of crisis intervention (Moncton, New Brunswick). Furthermore, he has worked in a community setting (mental health clinic, Moncton, New Brunswick) helping an adult population suffering from chronic disorders (psychotic disorders, bipolar disorders, personality disorders). In a CLSC context (Montréal, Québec), he has also worked with an adult population suffering from transitory problems. Having worked as a psychologist in an acute psychiatric unit of a hospital setting (Campbellton, New Brunwick), he has also acquired experience with severe mental illness in a psychiatric hospital.
René Caissie has worked in a private setting at the Centre de consultation psychologique (Montréal, Québec) from 2005 to 2012 while he keeps on offering his services as a consultant. Membre of the College of Psychologists of New Brunswick (2012), the Ordre des psychologues du Québec (2005), the Association des psychologues du Québec, the Société québécoise de la douleur, the Société québécoise d’hypnose and the American Society of Clinical Hypnosis, he does intervention with an adult population as well as an adolescent and elderly population. During his stay at the CCPE, he has developped abilities in psychovocational assessments as well as forensic assessments (personal injuries).
He is the holder of a Bachelor’s degree in psychology with specialization at the Université de Moncton (Moncton, New Brunswick) and a Master’s degree in psychology at Université Laval (Québec, Québec). Using a short-term to medium term approach based on empirically supported treatments, he uses cognitive behavioral psychotherapy and clinical hypnosis as an adjunct to treatment to treat people who present diverse problems as mood disorders, anxiety disorders, trauma, sleep disorders, sexual dysfunctions, pain, psychosomatic illnesses, relational problems and adjustment disorders following several life stressors.
Professional training
2012 | Grief resolution under hypnosis with the imagery technique (Paule Mongeau, Montréal) |
2011 | Annual congress of the Société québécoise d’hypnose (Montréal, Canada) |
2011 | Annual Conference of the International Society for the Study of Trauma and Dissociation (Montréal, Canada) |
2011 | Psychopathology at the risk of instant hypnosis (Gaston Brosseau, Montréal) |
2010 | Adapting cognitive-behavioral therapy with the third wave(Frédérick Dionne, Montréal) |
2010 | Kaleidoscope of hypnotic techniques for pain and psychosomatic disorders (Gaston Brosseau, Montréal) |
2010 | Assessment and treatment for sexual desire (Sophie Bergeron, Montréal) |
2009 | Conference on Sexual Identify Disorders (UQAM-Montréal) |
2009 | Annual Congress of the American Society of Clinical Hypnosis (Boston, United States) |
2008 | Congress on Neuropathic Pain (Société québécoise de la douleur, Montréal) |
2008 | Brief Approaches and Complex Cases for Anxiety and Depression (Jeffrey Zeig, Montréal, Canada) |
2008 | Francophone International Congress on Medical Sexuality (Montréal, Canada) |
2008 | Congress on trauma and dissociation (David Spiegel- Ottawa, Canada) |
2007 | Training in the Risk Assessment for Sexual Delinquants (Correctiona Service Canada, Laval, Québec) |
2007 | Training on Intervention and Empirically-supported Treatments (Ordre des psychologue du Québec, Montréal) |
2007 | Basic Training in Clinical Hypnosis (Société québécoise d’hypnose, Montréal) |
2004 | Omega Training of Crisis Intervention (Cambellton, New Brunswick) |
2001 | Training in Rorschach Administration (Exner Method, Université Laval, Québec, Québec) |
2001 | Workshop on Suicide Prevention and Intervention (Moncton, New Brunswick) |
1998 | Workshop on Non-violent Crisis Intervention (Moncton, New Brunswick) |